Before I begin this blog post I need to state this blog makes no reference to the Gunn-Henderson staff or the building itself. I enjoy sharing small-talk and cookies with the sweetest cleaning ladies ever every time I get the chance. We are very grateful for these wonderful women.
Sooo..... Gunn-Henderson.... if you are a freshmen girl or have ever been a freshmen girl you have lived in Gunn (this includes Lynn Mitchell). There are some treasures that only come from living in such a dormatory.
Lets start with the while taking a shower someone decided to drop a number 2 and leave a stink that haunted me for the rest of my I also feel a sense of awkwardness when I bring my ipod in and then the only time someone walks in the bathroom the whole time is when my ipod was blaring Like A Virgin.....glee style if that makes it any better.....which lets be honest it totally does. I can deal with both of these circumstances as long as girls do not pee in the showers.....which evidently girls are judging by the signs in every bathroom that warn against peeing in the showers.
I am going to tell you something that might give you a terrible visual image but.......I walk around in my underwear. ......a lot. Evidently this is a new concept for every other girl in Gunn because I always get weird looks even when I am just walking to take a shower (refer to part one on bathrooms). Which makes me think why are guys so much more comfortable with nudity than girls ....judging by guys conversations, movies( appropriate movies), and communal showers?...but that's a different subject. Walking around my underwear can also get me into some trouble ...... Imagine walking to get ice and then realizing when your feet away from the ice machine that it is open dorm (see definition below) therefore, you sprint back to your room in terror.........this has happened to me twice.....sorry guys and your girlfriends because I probably just stole your man
OPEN DORM-for all you crazy co-ed state schoolers this is when the opposite sex is allowed in the dorms......don't worry the lights have to be on and the dorm must be open....gasp
Ever sense it has gotten warmer ladies in my hall have decided to open the windows by my door. Every morning there are about 3 new wasp laying outside my door waiting for me to step on , which is perfect because I was thinking I really want for my foot to swell up so I could perfect my cankles. The windows also allow the crazy Oklahoma wind ( you all know what I am talking about) to hurl against my door creating the sensation of someone knocking I open my door about 5 times a day expecting to see one of my sweet beautiful friends smiling back at me but ...there never there.
One of my favorite things to do in Gunn is to walk around an check out everybody who has a bright orange curfew notice on their doors.....I don't know why but I find this very entertaining.One big downfall is that every time I take a nap I am woken up by "maintance on the west side"... I am surprised that those intercoms don't get a noise violation. The biggest landmark of Gunn however are the LOBBY COUPLES , I know you guys thought I forgot but how can talk about Gunn-Henderson without talking about them. Opposed to about everyone else I love them. Their love is stronger than Heather preventing them from going behind the "no men beyond this point" signs. Their love is so deep they show every person who walks into the Gunn lobby by sitting on top of each other. LOVE THEM.
Gunn this has been a great semester and you have provided me with several memories