1. There is a lot of pressure to make my posts funny.....sorry if I have disappointed you..I will try not to
2. Wearing shirts with elephants have a positive effect on my mood
3. You can get instant fame by making a youtube video...I don't understand why people are watching "Friday". First of all she is ten and should not be "getting down". Second Friday is about the equivalent to one of my original raps.
4. I don't know a person on the freshman guys intramural team...literally...You would think at a school of 2,000 I would have at least seen one of them before but...nope.
5. Ben Rector is married.....this crushed my heart...Loving you is Easy
6. I am obsessed with the Eli Young Band....thank you Natalie Gilbert...Crazy Girl
7. I have really bad grammar. Which I am sure you have all realized and I apologize because I know it is a pet peeve of like 1/2 of my friends.....and I also am a BIG fan of using".....",and if this bugs you ,you should probably stop reading because 8,9,and 10 all have them in the statements.
8. There is a place on the sidewalk that I have tripped on every time I have walked on it this week.....but lets be honest that doesn't take much....I am a Mitchell we are not known for our grace.
9. There is a 40 hour limit/ month on pandora.....I guess the ladies of 200's won't get the pleasure of hearing me sing in the shower to the Biebs.
10. Their is a Honduran village eating soap for dinner because Ellen Winter .....with her amazing spanish skills....told 200 people that the soap she was handing out was actually soup....and to make matters worse she handed the soap out with spoons
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What A Girl Wants: 50 Characteristic Girls Look for in a Husband
Dear all men,
This week you were walking to chapel singing dooididdy diddy dumb diddy do and you realized that campus is no longer under a gazillion feet of snow......you know this means......it's spring. And by OC tradition you should have marked your territory by putting a sizeable diamond ring on a girls finger .Since I am a person of the generous nature,I decided to help you fellas out, last night I sent a mass text to all of my female friends asking them "what are some qualities you look for in a husband .funny or serious.".I hope this list will give you a little insight into the female mind and equip you with the knowledge to get your Ms.Right. I will limit my list to those answers that are PG because many of the girls suffer from the "dirty virgin disorder".While reading this heavily insightful list I encourage you to listen to the Christina I have supplied for you.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmq3xpIsZ8
that is it.........Just Kidding...kind of
1.A GODLY MAN.*** Almost every girl said this in one way or another. This morning in psychology Dr.Murray validating this statement by saying that "spiritual is sexy"
2.good tan (this was definitely not mine saying I am the color of a jar of jiffy puff)
3.in shape, enjoys working out
4.treats me like a princess
5.country *
6.will snuggle*
7.enjoys music
9. tells me I'm beautiful when I wake up
10.good teeth*
11.funny/ jokester/ kidder/ good sense of humor *
12.smart/ intellectual *
13.let me paint his nails
14.makes me smile
15.respects me
16. does not push for physical stuff before marriage
17.appreciates stories with no point to them
18.muscular back,lucious brown hair,firm butt,trustworthy (this was written about a friend's boyfriend hence why they are grouped together)
19.a hopeless romantic
20.doesn't expect you to wait on him hand and foot
21.broad shoulders
22.Justin Bieber hair. Let's be honest girls go crazy for the biebs http://www.hulu.com/watch/216679/glee-baby this is what I thought of when I saw this one.....
23.totes indie
24.faithful/ loyal *
25.can spell*
26. great communication yet can say everything without saying a word
27.will help me further my walk with God
28.random sweet deeds-liking getting me flowers just because it is Wednesday
29.loves my family
30.loves disney* I imagine nothing is sweeter than watching a "happily ever after" with your Prince Charming...I Just made myself barf a little
31.help out around the house
32.is like my daddy
33. will be a good daddy*
34. leader in the relationship
35.likes to show me off even when I am wearing sweats
36.makes me feel safe
37.can provide..... after all everybody likes bacon
38.left handed
41.creepy long eyelashes
42.doesn't PMS
43.lightskin..... this is for you brothers out there
44.GOOD feet* I have never taken the time to look at a guy's feet but I guess all of my friends have.
45.a gentleman
46.athletic.....soccer boys are the best
47.changes diapers.....ewww diapers
48.toilet seat putter downer. Swimming in toilet water is not fun........
49.some one who will carry me over the threshold
50. Some one who will love me with his whole heart
*more than one lady texted me this
This week you were walking to chapel singing dooididdy diddy dumb diddy do and you realized that campus is no longer under a gazillion feet of snow......you know this means......it's spring. And by OC tradition you should have marked your territory by putting a sizeable diamond ring on a girls finger .Since I am a person of the generous nature,I decided to help you fellas out, last night I sent a mass text to all of my female friends asking them "what are some qualities you look for in a husband .funny or serious.".I hope this list will give you a little insight into the female mind and equip you with the knowledge to get your Ms.Right. I will limit my list to those answers that are PG because many of the girls suffer from the "dirty virgin disorder".While reading this heavily insightful list I encourage you to listen to the Christina I have supplied for you.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmq3xpIsZ8
that is it.........Just Kidding...kind of
1.A GODLY MAN.*** Almost every girl said this in one way or another. This morning in psychology Dr.Murray validating this statement by saying that "spiritual is sexy"
2.good tan (this was definitely not mine saying I am the color of a jar of jiffy puff)
4.treats me like a princess
5.country *
6.will snuggle*
7.enjoys music
9. tells me I'm beautiful when I wake up
10.good teeth*
11.funny/ jokester/ kidder/ good sense of humor *
12.smart/ intellectual *
13.let me paint his nails
14.makes me smile
15.respects me
16. does not push for physical stuff before marriage
17.appreciates stories with no point to them
18.muscular back,lucious brown hair,firm butt,trustworthy (this was written about a friend's boyfriend hence why they are grouped together)
19.a hopeless romantic
20.doesn't expect you to wait on him hand and foot
21.broad shoulders
22.Justin Bieber hair. Let's be honest girls go crazy for the biebs http://www.hulu.com/watch/216679/glee-baby this is what I thought of when I saw this one.....
24.faithful/ loyal *
25.can spell*
26. great communication yet can say everything without saying a word
27.will help me further my walk with God
28.random sweet deeds-liking getting me flowers just because it is Wednesday
29.loves my family
30.loves disney* I imagine nothing is sweeter than watching a "happily ever after" with your Prince Charming...I Just made myself barf a little
31.help out around the house
32.is like my daddy
33. will be a good daddy*
34. leader in the relationship
35.likes to show me off even when I am wearing sweats
36.makes me feel safe
37.can provide..... after all everybody likes bacon
38.left handed
41.creepy long eyelashes
42.doesn't PMS
43.lightskin..... this is for you brothers out there
44.GOOD feet* I have never taken the time to look at a guy's feet but I guess all of my friends have.
45.a gentleman
46.athletic.....soccer boys are the best
47.changes diapers.....ewww diapers
48.toilet seat putter downer. Swimming in toilet water is not fun........
49.some one who will carry me over the threshold
50. Some one who will love me with his whole heart
*more than one lady texted me this
Monday, March 21, 2011
My Sister
My goal for this blog is to tell the world about the most amazing person I know.We all have that one person in the world that who we love more than anything else, for me this is my sister. My sister has always been there for me since the very beginning ,evidently when I was a baby she would hold me all the time and tell my mother that I was her baby....instant connection.As she went off to college our relationship grew even closer and then last semester she was my rock. She would listen to my frequent sobbing phone calls and try to comfort me from 400 miles away. She has the biggest heart out of anyone I know. She lives to serve others and to serve God and anyone who knows anything about her is aware of this. She is my mentor, best friend, hero, role model, shoulder to cry on, rock, spiritual guide, and sister.
I love you , sissy.
I love you , sissy.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Spring Sing
Tonight marks the first official performance of Spring Sing.YAY!! it is so weird after watching this show since I was literally like 5 and I am finally in it...although there is only one down fall.... i am dressed as a man. In case you have not seen me in my costume you should know i look HOTT.Nothing is more appealing to the fellas than a pair of pants that go up your crotch . My only hope to be feminine is to plaster as much makeup as possible on my face.And do you know what this accomplishes?...it makes me look like a drag queen. But the freshmen class as a whole looks adorable and fierce.Hopefully, we will place. I know your thinking the freshmen class place that will happen around the time Churches of Christ allow dancing ,but the show is really good. I tried to upload a photo of me in my hot pants , but unfortunately if you know anything about me ,you know I am about as good with technology as the amish .
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Creeper Crushes
You know that one guy (or in my case the 10 guys) or that one girl that you are just in love with. You love the way they walk, you love the way they dress, you love the way they smile, you love the way they just are, every time they walk into the room your heart starts beating really fast ,faster than a group of Deltas running after their favorite flat billed hat. Every time you see this guy everything is in slow motion and has background music...preferably some Bieber. But here comes the problem you don't even know this guy's name and he has absolutely NO CLUE you exist. Then after a few weeks of imaging yourself married and with children to this man a friend finally tells you his name.What is the Next thing you do? creep on his facebook...DUH. At this point you have creeped on him enough that you feel like you know this boy and you smile at them from afar and then here comes your moment , he glances into your eyes and waves and then you wave back and then you realize they were waving to the person behind you entering the caf(don't even pretend like this hasn't happened to you). Your heart is broken but lets be honest that this minor setback will not prevent him from dancing in his kilt in your dreams to ignition.
8 o'clock Classes
This semester I got very fortunate to have eight o' clocks everyday except for Friday where I have a nine o' clock ,where i get to sleep in.Yes , I am aware about how sad it is that I consider waking up at 8:30 sleeping in, most of you haven't even hot REM yet. There is nothing like waking up at 7:30 when you were up to 3 the night before studying....yum. Once you cannot hit the snooze anymore and you finally get up you are dragging. Then you walk a mile across campus where you sit in a class barely conscious and probably not even aware of what your teacher is talking about. After your class you have finally gained back a little of your pep and you walk into the bathroom to check the damage of getting dressed in the dark because your room mate was sleeping and you realize you have tooth paste all over your lips and you like your foaming at the mouth (yes ,this has happened to me multiple times).Then you go to all of your classes and start the cycle all over again.I'm an optimist so I will tell you a benefit of 8'o clocks I get done with classes everyday except for Tuesdays before chapel...YAY WHOOPPEE.
P.S.... if you ever see me right after an eight o clock you have full permission to tell me my outfit doesn't match (but lets be honest they hardly ever do) or I am rocking the Alfalfa
P.S.... if you ever see me right after an eight o clock you have full permission to tell me my outfit doesn't match (but lets be honest they hardly ever do) or I am rocking the Alfalfa
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