Dear all men,
This week you were walking to chapel singing dooididdy diddy dumb diddy do and you realized that campus is no longer under a gazillion feet of know this's spring. And by OC tradition you should have marked your territory by putting a sizeable diamond ring on a girls finger .Since I am a person of the generous nature,I decided to help you fellas out, last night I sent a mass text to all of my female friends asking them "what are some qualities you look for in a husband .funny or serious.".I hope this list will give you a little insight into the female mind and equip you with the knowledge to get your Ms.Right. I will limit my list to those answers that are PG because many of the girls suffer from the "dirty virgin disorder".While reading this heavily insightful list I encourage you to listen to the Christina I have supplied for you.
that is it.........Just Kidding...kind of
1.A GODLY MAN.*** Almost every girl said this in one way or another. This morning in psychology Dr.Murray validating this statement by saying that "spiritual is sexy"
2.good tan (this was definitely not mine saying I am the color of a jar of jiffy puff) shape, enjoys working out
4.treats me like a princess *
6.will snuggle*
7.enjoys music
9. tells me I'm beautiful when I wake up
10.good teeth*
11.funny/ jokester/ kidder/ good sense of humor * intellectual *
13.let me paint his nails
14.makes me smile
15.respects me
16. does not push for physical stuff before marriage
17.appreciates stories with no point to them
18.muscular back,lucious brown hair,firm butt,trustworthy (this was written about a friend's boyfriend hence why they are grouped together)
19.a hopeless romantic
20.doesn't expect you to wait on him hand and foot
21.broad shoulders
22.Justin Bieber hair. Let's be honest girls go crazy for the biebs this is what I thought of when I saw this one.....

23.totes indie
24.faithful/ loyal *
25.can spell*
26. great communication yet can say everything without saying a word
27.will help me further my walk with God
28.random sweet deeds-liking getting me flowers just because it is Wednesday
29.loves my family
30.loves disney* I imagine nothing is sweeter than watching a "happily ever after" with your Prince Charming...I Just made myself barf a little out around the house like my daddy
33. will be a good daddy*
34. leader in the relationship
35.likes to show me off even when I am wearing sweats
36.makes me feel safe
37.can provide..... after all everybody likes bacon
38.left handed
41.creepy long eyelashes
42.doesn't PMS
43.lightskin..... this is for you brothers out there
44.GOOD feet* I have never taken the time to look at a guy's feet but I guess all of my friends have.
45.a gentleman boys are the best
47.changes diapers.....ewww diapers
48.toilet seat putter downer. Swimming in toilet water is not fun........
49.some one who will carry me over the threshold
50. Some one who will love me with his whole heart
*more than one lady texted me this